About us

NPCM came into existence in 2004 under the auspices of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Monterey, California. Our ministry center is at the Holy Spirit Chapel & Center for Healing in Monterey. St. Philip Neri remains our inspiration for ministry in the Spirit of God.

As the Spirit has led us, we have ministered in many dioceses of the United States through events of evangelization, teaching seminars, retreats, healing events and personal ministry. Our service to the Kingdom has taken us to many places of the world — Europe, the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Israel, Palestine, Turkey, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Argentina and Canada. 

Our mission

Following the example of Jesus Christ, New Pentecost Catholic Ministries reaches out to bring new purpose, healing and spiritual growth into people’s daily lives.  The Bible reveals that Jesus accomplished his ministry through the active power of the Holy Spirit. He did so by exercising the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. As members of Jesus' Body the Church we strive to do the same.

We affirm that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 are the ways that Christ used in order to heal, set free, lift people up and point them to their purpose and destiny. We believe that we, in turn, not only receive the same Holy Spirit as Jesus did, but we also extend His Kingdom by doing what Jesus did — exercising those same gifts of the Spirit through the ministries of Worship, Healing, Evangelization, Prayer and Teaching.


New Pentecost Catholic Ministry


in Spirit and
in Truth

Worship becomes a transformative experience when we allow the Spirit to guide it and God's Truth to speak to us.


the riches, wisdom and
knowledge of God

Teaching is prophetic when it leads us into "the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God" (Rom 11:33); It changes us.


of body, mind
& spirit

Healing and deliverance enable us to become true friends with Jesus and they empower us to respond to his call to serve.


Bringing people
to Christ

Our passion is to bring people to Christ, to know his faithfulness and healing love, and give their life to him.


the ministry of intercession

Intercessory prayer opens the door to God's power and closes the door to the enemy.

Faithfulness to the Church

We adhere to the teaching of the Bible and the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, and the bishops. Being faithful to the Church, we also are very ecumenical in our outlook, always looking for ways to find common ground to extend Christ's Kingdom.  In addition to California, NPCM has a chapter with members and candidates in Managua, Nicaragua and a chapter in formation in Italy.

Fr. Peter Sanders

Fr. Peter Sanders

Fr. Peter, was the founder of New Pentecost Catholic Ministries. Additionally, he was a member of the Oratorian Community of Monterey and Pastor of Ord Military Catholic Community.

In 1984, Fr Sanders received a Master of Divinity in Theology, Sacred Scripture, Pastoral Theology, and Church History from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley. In 1985, he received a Master of Arts in Religious Education from the University of San Francisco. In 1987, Fr Sanders received a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University, followed by a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) from the Jesuit School of Theology Berkeley in 2000.

Since June of 1990, Fr Sanders was the rector, provost, and major superior of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in Monterey. Fr Peter Sanders passed on December 2nd, 2022 at the age of 69.